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About Us

We welcome you at "One World Enterprises" And wish to brief you shortly about our company. One World Enterprises was established in 1991 in Sialkot ,the city known around the world as the heart of surgical instruments industry. One World Enterprises offer you a complete line of quality instruments designed to meet the requirement of modern surgical procedures. We have a well equipped production unit with up-to-date latest manufacturing facilities. Our products assures professional confidence, reliability and performance, we have the capacity and team of skilled and experienced workers to provide you quality instruments meeting international standards, Every One World Enterprises instrument is manufactured to our rigid quality control standards and is unconditionally guaranteed against defects in material, work men or pattern. One World Enterprises is a child labor free company. One World Enterprises has worked hard to Achieve a good reputation and has been Achieved a competitive prices ,Attractive Quality and Excellent service to our customers . We are able to offer a comprehensive quoting/contracting service to meet all your requirements.

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Our Services

We welcome you at "One World Enterprises" And wish to brief you shortly about our company. One World Enterprises was established in 1991 in Sialkot ,the city known around the world as the heart of surgical instruments industry. One World Enterprises offer you a complete line of quality instruments designed to meet the requirement of modern surgical procedures. We have a well equipped production unit with up-to-date latest manufacturing facilities. Our products assures professional confidence, reliability and performance, we have the capacity and team of skilled and experienced workers to provide you quality instruments meeting international standards, Every One World Enterprises instrument is manufactured to our rigid quality control standards and is unconditionally guaranteed against defects in material, work men or pattern. One World Enterprises is a child labor free company. One World Enterprises has worked hard to Achieve a good reputation and has been Achieved a competitive prices ,Attractive Quality and Excellent service to our customers . We are able to offer a comprehensive quoting/contracting service to meet all your requirements.

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Feature Products

OWE-NN-0952Chiropody Nippers
OWE-PBS-00790Professional Barber Scissors
OWE-NN-0959Chiropody Nippers
OWE-PBS-00811Professional Barber Scissor